14 JUNE 1997, page 30

Punch Drunk

Sir: Our office is full of popping cham- pagne corks, thanks to Stephen Glover and his review of the new Punch (Media stud- ies, 7 June). This was punditry at its best:......

Fine Distinction

Sir: Twice in the last week I have read the phrase 'fine toothcomb' or 'toothcomb', most recently in your review of Lord Mel- bourne (Books, 7 June). Surely it should be fine -......

Donkey Business

Sir: I do wish we could nail for ever the `donkeys and lions' myth about the first world war (Letters, 7 June). The exchange was first recorded in the front pages of Alan......

Not Decent Enough

Sir: George Melly's reply to Peregrine Worsthome (Letters, 31 May) is as 'over- excitable' as the article that prompted it. Is Mr Melly really suggesting that when decid- ing......

Sir: I Would Much Rather Have A Statue Of Oscar

Wilde than the one we have of Dou- glas Haig, a man who could not only coun- tenance the shooting of hundreds of shell- shocked adolescents but also exemplified the odious......

The Truth At Last

Sir: Regarding the recent correspondence (and doubts) relating to the existence of Alice von Schlieffen, the name itself has a potentially interesting interpretation. The......