14 MARCH 1931, page 3

County Elections Various County Elections, Including The...

elections, took place on Thursday, March 5th. • In London the Municipal Reformers gained six seats, increasing their number from 77 to 83. Labour dropped from 42 to 85 seats ;......

The Coal Trouble, * • On Monday It Was Announced That

owing to the reduced quota for March, many pits in the Midlands area, partici'. larly in Yorkshire, would not be. able to_ supply their customers, and that prices - would in......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 31. Per Cent.

on May 1st, 1930. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 103 1$- ; on Wednesday week, 103/ ; a year ago, 102*. Funding Loan 44 per cent.) was on Wednesday 931 ; on Wednesday......

Mr. Churchill At Edinburgh As Lord Rector Of Edinburgh...

Mr. Churchill last week drew for the students a doleful picture of Parliament in decay, with an electorate that would not even vote. There were no clear-cut issues. " A sort of......

The St. George's By-election On Wednesday Mr. A. Duff Cooper

was nominated as the official Conservative candidate for St. George's, and Sir Ernest Petter as the Independent Conservative candidate. There is no Labour or Liberal candidate.......

Sir Ernest's Economic Arguments In Favour Of A Free Trade-

Empire •are unaffected by the ridicule which Dominion Prime Ministers cast upon Lord Beaverbrook's scheme for a Free Trade Empire. He persistently repeats the old assertions......

Railway Wages The National Wages Board In The Railway...

decided last week after full inquiry that wages must be cut down. All earnings are to suffer a reduction of per cent., with a further reduction of 2ik per cent. on the amount by......

A Great Athlete The Oxford And Cambridge Sports Last...

were made memorable- by the unprecedented performance of Mr. R. M. N. Tisdall, the Cambridge President. He won all four events for which he was entered—the high hurdles, putting......