14 SEPTEMBER 1839, page 11

We Are Happy To Announce That The Chancellor Of The

Exchequer has confided to Mr. Rowland 11111 the superintendence of the arrangements for bringing into operation the Uniform Penny Postage Act. This appointment cannot flit to......

The Chief Interest Of The London Newspapers To-day Is...

in the llornilly Post; which publishes a long communication addressed to the editor, detailing the facts, us far as his Lordship has been able to ascertain them, connected with......

East Eia11a Shipping.

Arrived—At (lravtielitl, Sept. tutu. ; 1011,1 , ,Ii i a,)ta nn , front Bonita}' ; 11111. ,‘,Ivoeato, ti. !,,..1 l'..111. front the C l l... Ott Dover, !rin lieu...al. Aucliknol,......

Money Market.

The arrival of several small parcels of gold front Paris, and the persuasion that the foreign exchanges have improvol to such an extent as to render any large ixportalion of......

Bin 'r S, A 11 1 .1 E S. And

DEATHS. C h i the Sill inst., at Fiocea, the 111110,...-,, of At 1,0,intin, ton, the Lady or the llan. St. I Al l'horelitiorli Kerry. Ilk! Look .1' a son , l heir. On the 10111......