14 SEPTEMBER 1895, page 25

Out Of Egypt. By Percy Hemingway. (elkin Mathews.)- "...

the tale which occupies about three-fourths of the volume, is a most repulsive story of murder and lust. Some time ago we should have wondered that any one should have been......

The Practice Of Massage : Its Physiological E F Fects And...

Uses. By A. Symons Eccles, M.B. (Macmillan and Co.)—This elaborate and exhaustive treatise, the result of large experience, is written solely for the service of Dr, Eccles's......

Olympia's Journal. By W. S. Holnut. (g. Bell And Sons.)

— Olympia is a young English lady of fortune, residing at Florence. She has much beauty, many accomplishments, and a waist of twenty-one inches, " when she doesn't squeeze." Her......

An Outline Of English Local Government. By Edward Jenks,...

(Methuen and Co.)—" This little book," says the writer in his preface, " is the outcome of a course of lay lectures delivered in University College, Liverpool." Its speciality......

The Moon. By Thomas Gwyn Elger. (g. Philip And Son.)—

This volume contains a full description of the physical features of the moon. The actual measurements are given, and the whole is illustrated by four maps, each giving a......

The Golden Book Of Coleridge. Edited, With An...

Stopford A. Brooke. (Dent and Co.)—No poet, said Dickens, ever went down to immortality with so small a volume under his arm as Thomas Gray, Coleridge's loveliest verse,......

Current Literature.

Eve's Ransom. By George Gissing. (Lawrence and B alien )- Mr. Gissing's undoubtedly great ability and power as a writer have not sufficed to enable him to escape the charge of......