14 SEPTEMBER 1991, page 26

Christian Charity

Sir: A little over a year ago, you published an article on Christian Aid. At the time, I visited Christian Aid to discuss a political murder involving organisations they fund.......

Sir: William Cash (7 September) Quotes Father Tracy Sj As

saying that those who reject the Papacy's teachings on birth con- trol have failed to provide any evidence that contraception is morally justified. It is this kind of......

Dirty Blow

Sir: How sad that John Simpson (17 August) should join President Bush and our own unctuous Foreign Office in rub- bishing General Aoun for his 'mindless campaign to destabilise......

Letters Misconceptions

Sir: William Cash (7 September) is proba- bly broadly right in implying that the Catholic Church's objections to 'artificial' contraception are increasingly ignored by the......

Chartered Citizen

Sir: Joanna Coles (31 August) could have saved herself a lot of trouble, and space in your journal for matters of greater sub- stance, if she had agreed to the conductor's......

Slim Chance

Sir: Why, if there is supposed to be such a shortage of food in Russia, are most of the people queueing up for it so fat? Ruth Milner 40 Milford Street, Salisbury......

Fellows Travelling

Sir: The collapse of communism in Russia — where does that leave Burgess and Maclean and Blunt, who made such sacri- fices for it (if their expenses were paid)? Still more,......