15 APRIL 1882, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE event of the week has been a grand Tory demonstration at Liverpool, where a large Party Club has been started, intended to play the part of the Birmingham "Caucus." Lord......

Sir Stafford Northcote's First Speech Is Sufficiently...

was a kind of dirge, and its monotonous melan- choly was unrelieved even in the second speech, in which Sir Stafford wept over Lord Beaconsfield, declared that Mr. Glad- stone......

Great Importance Is Attached On The Continent To A Story,

which is believed without any evidence, of a defensive and offen- sive secret alliance between Germany and Sweden against Russia. The Swedes are to assist the Germans by tea and......

Ireland Was Startled On Monday By A Report Of The

release of Mr. Parnell. It was believed that the Government had abandoned the policy of Coercion ; illuminations were ordered, and for some hours the excitement was extreme. It......

Lord Salisbury, In His Speech Of Wednesday, Traced Every...

in Ireland to a legislative interference with property in Ireland, which induced the people to hope that if they were violent enough, they might obtain more. He described the......

In His Second Speech To The Working-men, Lord Salisbury...

with an elaborate defence of the House of Lords, and. declared that the House of Commons, "of whose labours we feel the blessing," was "a House freely elected, freely debating,......

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