15 AUGUST 1835, page 10

At The Queen Square Office, On Monday, A Journeyman Baker,

out of employ, was committed to the tread-mill for three months, for pick- ing pockets in Westminster, on Sunday. It appeared from what passed at the Office, that on Saturday......


The members of the Fox Club dined at Lovegrove's, Blackwell, on Saturday. No report is given of any speeches or toasts, but the 'following gentlemen were among the company......

Irieluttes Salt Praceeltingt In Parliament. 1....

The examination of witnesses was continued in the House of Peers on Saturday. The Deputy Recorder of Shrewsbury gave some particulars respect- ing the Free School, of which......

Ct), Court.

THE King and Queen, honoured the Marquis of Ailsa, on Tuesday, with their company at an early dinner, at his Lordship's Isleworth villa. A select party was invited to meet their......

At The Manchester Court For The Relief Of Insolvent Debtors,

on the 7th instant, Sir Thomas Champneys, whose debts amounted to 150,000/., wits discharged, after making some amendment to his schedule. At the Croydon Assizes, on Monday, the......

Cbe Countrp.

It is stated in the Leeds Mercury. that Messrs. Mark Phillips, Joseph Brotherton, Thomas Potter, J. B. Smith, and James Hey- wood, all Liberals, have been appointed Magistrates......