15 DECEMBER 1855, page 9


Parliament was prorogued on Tuesday, by Royal Commission, until Thursday, the 31st January 1856 ; then to meet for the despatch of business. The usual royal proclamation......

Mr. John Cowling, Well Known At The Common Law Bar,

died suddenly on Wednesday, at his house in Albemarle Street. His death is attributed to spasmodic affection of the heart.......

A Deputation From The Licensed Victuallers Society Of...

an interview yesterday with Lord Panmure, to present a memorial setting forth the grievances they suffer in connexion with the billeting system. Lord Panmure said there was much......


SATURDAY. The morning seems destined to bring forth strange phenomena in our relations with Russia. In the first place we have in the Times an ac- count of the new Russian loan......

The Overland Mail Arrived In London Yesterday, With...

Calcutta to the 8th, and Bombay to the 15th November. Vigorous mea- sures had at length been taken to put down the Sontals. The cold weather having arrived, the troops could......

The Health Of Prince; Paskiewitch Does Not Improve. In The

mean time, until further orders, it is remarkable that his functions are per- formed by a Pole. Count Vincent Krasinski, Member of the Imperial Council and General of Cavalry,......

Money Market.

STOCK EICHANGI, FRIDAY APTTANOOK. The present political uncertainty, and absence of evidence during the week to account for the recent pacific rumours, have caused diminished......