15 FEBRUARY 1986, page 24

The Left Escape Unscathed

Shirley Robin Letwin THINKERS OF THE NEW LEFT by Roger Scruton Longman, £9.95 P rofessor Scruton's book is an un- ashamed attack on 'the Left'. Since he regards the Left as a......

An Outstanding Maiden Aunt

John McEwen • AN AESTHETIC OBSESSION: A PORTRAIT OF SIR WILLIAM EDEN, BT by Lyall Wilkes Oriel Press, £12.95 T his book is as slim as a sandwich, and like one too in that there......

Interesting Only By Mistake

Frances Donaldson CHRONICLE OF FRIENDSHIP: VERA BRITTAIN'S DIARY OF THE THIRTIES, 1932-1939 edited by Alan Bishop Gollancz, £12.95 S omeone — I think Cyril Connolly — said that......