15 FEBRUARY 2003, page 29

Iraq's French Connection

From Mr Alasdair Ogilvy Sir: Your correspondent Dr Metzger (Letters, 8 February) is one of the Old Europeans whom The Simpsons refers to as 'surrender monkeys'. His pessimistic......

Why Tony's Not For Turning

From Mr Ron West Sir: Matthew Parris's brilliant suggestion (Another voice. 8 February) about Tony Blair leading the Tories occurred to me many months ago when I read a......

Phial Bodies

From Mr Walter Kennedy Sir: At a crucial presentation at the UN, Colin Powell produced a phial of look-alike anthrax and described the harm done by an equivalent amount in the......

Tb Is Controllable

From Mr Paul Sornmelfeld and Dr Peter Davies Sir: Your cover story by Anthony Browne ('How the government endangers British lives', 25 January) was deeply depressing and......

Mugabe's Monsterings

From Mr George Fleet Sir: Please could I beg you to keep up your coverage of the troubles in Zimbabwe? In the past week two single and elderly women have been harassed in their......

Wanted: Oakeshottiana

From Dr Robert Grant Sir: As the official biographer of the philosopher Michael Oakeshott (1901-90), I should be most grateful for any information or reminiscences your readers......