15 JUNE 1901, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE most recent war news is not of special importance, though there have been the usual captures of prisoners, stock, and ammunition, and in two instances Boer laagers have......

President Mckinley Has Issued In A Short Letter To A

sup- porter what is really an important political manifesto. He declares that not only is he not a candidate for a third term, but that if nominated he will not accept the......

• On Wednesday The King, Accompanied By The Queen, Pre-

sented medals to three thousand officers and men who have returned from South Africa,—Lord Roberts being the first to receive the medal, and Lord Milner being one of the......

There Are Two Curious Items Of Intelligence From China This

week, both of which bear directly upon the question of the future capital of China discussed in another column. The burning of the Imperial Library of Pekin with its collection......

There Is A Great Quantity Of Rumour In The Papers

as to some diplomatic quarrel about Shanghai, of which we confess we believe very little. It is, of course, true that the nations are jealous of each other about that position,......

A Very Odd, Indeed A.n Unprecedented, Incident Has...

India. The Government of the Punjab is offended by Lord Curzon's creation of a new frontier province, which it regards with some justice as a slur on its capacity. It is still......

Lord Curzon May Have Moved A Little Too Straight .to

his object, though that doeS not appear on the surface ;' but Mr. Fanshawe is obviously in the wrong. Officials in his position are not colleagues of the Viceroy. but Executive......

*.! The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,ia...
