15 JUNE 1901, page 13

Contemporary Ritualism.

TO 71IE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, - I have to thank you for your courtesy in' publishing my letter in reply to your correspondent " X." upon Canon Gore's recent volume, "......

The Death Of Marshal Ney.

jTo ill!: EDITOR. Or THE " SPECTATOU." j S1R,—The painter of the picture in the Paris Salon to which your correspondent calls attention (Spectator, June 8th) gives no context to......

[to Tue Editor Of Tue "spectarox.1 Sin,—a Few Years Ago

I met a lady of perfectly reliable veracity, who reported the following to me as the experience of an intimate personal friend. Miss X. dreamed that she was occupying a room in......

A Dream House.

[TO TUE EDITOU OP TILE "SPECTATOR."] Sirt,-The account of the " dream house " in the Spectator of Jtme 1st, and its corroboration in your last issue, recall a somewhat similar......