15 MAY 1852, page 2

There Is No Abatement In The Gloom That Hangs Over

the Cape colony and the, adjoining regions of South Afriett. Sir Harry Smith has replied to the 'shabby and aplenetindespatch which in- formed him that the' late Colonial......

Edda Ad Torttluuto Iu Varliamtut.

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THII WEER. Horst or LORDS. Monday, May10. Convocation of the Province of York; Con- versation—Appeal to the Judicial Committee on Doctrine.; the Bishop of......

Last Session, Thirty-five Days Were Spent In Laborious...

the Committee on Metropolitan Water Supply, over which Sir James Graham presided, without any practical result. A Corn- =Wee on the same subject has been sitting this session......

Midas, With Hie Ass's Vara, Stalling Amid The Gold To

whit* be turned everything - he touched, was but a type of the Australian Colonies at this moment. The universal labouring population— and many of the better classes—have......