15 OCTOBER 1836, page 3

Mr. Edward Hughes, Vice-chairman Of The East Ashford...

Union, has published a pamphlet on the working of the law in Kent, formerly perhaps the most pauperized district in England. He states many particulars which prove that a great......

The Reformers Of Canterbury Have Gained 67 Votes On The

revision of the Burgesses' lists; which was completed on Wednesday. (■ The revision of Municipal votes at Chichester has increased the strength of the Liberal party. At York all......

At The Mansionhouse, On Wednesday, Information Was Given...

Lord Mayor, that there was every probability of the arrest in New York of Lewis Augustus Bennet, and his brother Peter Bennet, the merchants, formerly of excellent credit, who......

The Erman.

Colonel Tynte and Mr. Leader, the Members forBridgewater, dined with their constituents on the 6th instant. Colonel Tynte was rather cautious in speaking of Peerage Reform; but......

The New Vice-chancellor Of Oxford, The Reverend Dr....

duly installed into office on Saturday. The precedence of title in the united diocese of Bristol and Glou- cester has been settled in the most fair and impartial manner; viz.......

On Sunday Evening, About Six O'clock, An Explosion Took...

at the South Metropolitan Gas Works in the Old Kent Road, which occa- sioned a good deal of alarm and some damage. It appeared upon in- quiry, that one of the men employed on......