15 OCTOBER 1932, page 50

The' Personal Cite 'of Health

New ,Health for Everyman. By Sir ,W. Arbuthnot Lane, (Hies. 5s.) THE New Health Society, of which Sir_ William Arbuthnot Lane is the president, has done good work in drawing......

• Nurses, Doctors And Teachers

A General History of Nursing. By Lucy Ridgely Berner. (Faber and Faber. 12s. 6d. ) The Newer Practice of Medicine. By J. Stenson Hooker. (Daniel. 3s. Bd.) APART from the......

The Sanitary Idea

A Century of Public Health in Britain. • By Harley Williams. (Black. 7s. 641.) Dn. HARLEY WILLIAMS was fornierly Medical Officer of Health for the Isle of Lewis--an experience......

Minds In Arrear

DR. SHERLOCK sets out to explain to the " ordinary citizen " what mental deficiency really is and to indicate its place in the life of the nation. He starts off well enough, and......