16 FEBRUARY 1850, page 10

The Returns Of The Board Of Trade Issued Yesterday Show

a total in- crease of exports compared with those of 1848, to the amount of 9,901,7171. All the great staple manufactures shared the movement, except machinery, which fell off......

On Thursday, Rumours Were Rife In Paris Of Disturbances In

the South, and of military demonstrations. Yesterday, the Patrie states circum- stantially that the rumours were "founded on some movements that had taken place at Narbonne......

Last Night's Gazette Announces That Mr. Robert Stephenson...

appointed one of her Majesty's Commissioners for promoting the Industry Exposition; and Lieutenant-Colonel William Reid, of the Royal En- gtneers, has been appointed to Mr.......

The Managers Of The London Hospital For Diseases Of The

Chest, one of a class of institutions peculiarly appropriate and beneficial in the climate of this island, propose to give a festival at the London Tavern early in March, to aid......


SATURDAY. The Commons went into Committee of the whole House, yesterday evening, on the " Distressed Unions Advances and Repayment of Advan- ces (Ireland) " ; and Lord Jens......

A Fzw Izeromers Or The Session.

The first "count out" took place on Tuesday. The occasion was the debate on the second reading of the bill for improving the practice of the Court of Chancery in Ireland; and......

House Of Commons Business Fob Next Week.

Monday, Feb. 18. Australian Colonies Government Bill: second reading. .... Amendment : That the second reading be postponed till further papers are obtained—Mr. Scott. ..........