16 MARCH 1878, page 1

The Only News Of Importance In The Eastern Question Comes

from Vienna. Count Andrassy has obtained his six millions from the Delegations of the two Parliaments, by speeches which, as reported, are hardly intelligible. He says......

The Government Appears To Have Taken A New Departure In

the Eastern Question. Lord Derby is inclined to press the claims of the Greeks to extension of territory, and has formally requested that a Greek representative may be admitted......

A Great Fight Has Been Going On In The Colony

of Victoria between the Council and the Assembly, nominally about the payment of Members, but really about the right of the popular House to override the nominated one on money......

On Tuesday—the Day Fixed For Mr. Evelyn Ashley's Motion On

the subject of Mr. Layard's improper action in the matter of the correspondence between Mr. Gladstone and M. Negroponte- appeared a fresh despatch of Mr. Layard's on the......

* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


News Of Tiie Week.

7IHE difficulty of the hour is the settlement of the preliminaries to the Congress. The English War party is unwilling to enter Congress at all, holding that its proceedings......

The Government Of India Has Struck A Tremendous Blow At

the Vernacular Press. On the 14th inst. the Viceroy's Council, declaring that this Press included seditious, extortionate, and scandalous journals, passed a law enabling any......