17 FEBRUARY 1990, page 23

Sir: 'death And Taxes' (3 February) Had Me Smiling. I

could almost imagine the writer baiting his hook for an outraged letter with such tempting morsels as 'the hardly enor- mous sum of L118,000'. Dismissing the redistributive......

Letters Philistinism

Sir: I have been delighted to be associated with the Sunday Express Book of the Year Award, most recently as a judge, but I would not wish it to be thought that Graham Lord......

Sir: Your Excellent Leading Article 'death And Taxes' (3...

omitted one categ- ory of person on whom inheritance tax bears particularly hard. This is the unmar- ried woman who gives up her career to look after an aged parent and when the......

Death Duties

Sir: Your editorial 'Death and taxes' (3 February) says that the abolition of inheri- tance tax would require other changes to the tax system and goes on to recommend the......