17 MAY 1856, page 8

The Railway Traffic Accounts Of The United Kingdom, For The

six months ending the 31st December 1855, exhibit 11,613,5501. as the . total receipts from all sources ; being 820,000/. more than was realized in the corresponding half-year......

The Trial Of Palmer, At The Central Criminal Court, Was

continued yester- day ; the Court sitting, with a slight interval, from ten to six. Sixteen witnesses were examined : Charles Joseph Roberts, the apprentice of Mr. Hawkins,......

Mr. Henry George Hughes, Of Cornadrung, Has Been Returned...

Long- ford, in the room of the late Mr. Richard Maxwell Fox. There was no opposition. The Times, " upon the best possible authority, " contradicts two reports in the Indian......

A Coroner's Jury Which Sat Yesterday To Inquire Into The

death of Mr. Charles Russell returned a verdict of " temporary insanity. " Nothing weaJ. elicited to show in what the insanity originated, except that Mr. Russell had lately......

Lord Cowley Set Out For Paris At Four O'clock On

Wednesday morning; in consequence, it is said, though on questionable authority, of intelli- gence of an important and urgent character, received by Lord Clarendon late on......

Money Alarket.

' STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY arreasooa. The English Funds have" been very firm this week, and are about higher titan they were before the announcement of the New Loan' a 5,000,0001.......