17 OCTOBER 1941, page 14

Hogarth Hoppers This Year Hops Were Rather Light In Weight;

bnt never in the whole curious history of hop-picking was picking done so fast. Pickers even grumbled that there were more pickers than hops. Wherever you went there was the......

Country Life

Irish Country Life It is not often that Irish country life comes into the picture; and reading through Such As I Have, by Barney Heron (Murray, 8s. 6d.), which is another of......

Quack Advertisements

Stet,—In your " Country Life " column of September 26th Mr. Bates supports the view that a Commission should examine the claims put forward by the above. This was done many......

In The Garden Several Spring Crops Can Be Sown In

late October or early Novem- ber, and are worth the gamble. Try early peas, for example, choosing a variety like Pilot, and sowing rather more thickly than in spring. Try sweet......

Nansen On Russia

SIR, —You may be interested in this quotation from Russia and Peace, by Fridtjof Nansen (George Allen and Unwin, 1923): It appears probable to me that not only will Russia some......

Children's Gardens

Looking back over the summer, I find that one of the pleasantest things in it has been the children's garden. Children who watch when you are not looking, acquire an amazing......

Iran And Persia "

Snt,—Excuse me please, but by not printing my letter on the vexed question of whether the term Iran or Persia should be used, you are displaying both ignorance and prejudice of......

On Invading

Sm,—The possibility of invasion, by either side, causes : controversy between Invasioneers and Non-Invasioneers as acute as that between the Easterners and the Westerners in the......