18 APRIL 1931, page 1

At 6.45 On Tuesday Evening Captain General Aznar...

martial law would be declared and that on Wednesday morning a decision would be taken as to the future. Nevertheless only an hour or two later Senor Zamora, by this time well in......

News Came To Madrid On Tuesday Morning That The New

Republican councillors at Barcelona had already proclaimed a Catalan Republic of which Colonel Macia was the President. It may be remembered that in 1927 Colonel Macia as head......

News Of The Week

The. Spanish Republic T HE end of the reign of King Alfonso XIII was as spectacular as it could possibly have been, apart froin violence. This was appropriate enough for one who......

We Have Discussed In A Leading Article The Events Which

led to King Alfonso's decision, provisionally at all events, to abandon his throne. Here we may record briefly the precipitate events of the past two days, The astonishing......

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