18 DECEMBER 1909, page 16

Hannah More And Cheddar.

[To THE EDITOR OP TER " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The interesting article on "Literary Associations of Cheddar Gorge" in last week's Spectator is altogether at fault in the initial......

The Flaws Of Geniu&

pro rim EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIE, — Without taking any part in the noisome inquiry into the "Byron mystery," I will call attention to the genera/ and praiseworthy......

Historical Associations Of Cheddar Gorge.

rro THE EDITOE OF TER " spiscrrros."1 Bra,— Some of us in Bristol as we watch the solemn grandeur of our beautiful Gorge being quickly and noisily taken away under our very eyes......

New Lights On Handel.

[To Tar Erma or TEE " BricrAroz.") Sin,—You will, I trust, pardon an old diplomatic melomane for venturing to offer from his suburban St. Helena an appendix to your notice......