18 FEBRUARY 1911, page 14

The Dutch And The Germans. [to The Editor Op The

"8rsornos.'1 SIR,—I have just read " Y's " "Flushing and the Scheldt " in the February Fortnightly, and wonder what object he has in view. As is evident - to - anY Dutchman. his......

The Improvement Of Thirlmere.

[To TER EDITOR OF TRE "SPECTATOR.") na,—All lovers of the English lakes will be g rateful to you for your article on Thirlmere in the Spectator of February 11th. But those of us......

Payment Of Members.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR." SIR,—There is a point connected with this question that should not be lost si g ht of. If a man takes a salaried job, he should do the work of......

An Appeal.

[TO ERB EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTAT0101 Snt,—We, the feathered performers in the pageant of your river, are half-starved. Plumage may conceal our emaciation, but many of us are......

... Editor Or Tee " Spectator.") Sre,—i Have Read With

g reat satisfaction the article on this subject in your issue of February 11th. In order to explain this serious matter more thorou g hly to the people of the South, it will, I......

Englishmen And Joan Of Arc. [to The Editor 07 Rae

"SPECTATOR. ") Slit,—On readin g your review of " L'Ame des Anglais " in kst week's issue, I wish to endorse in the most emphatic manner your protest a g ainst the impression......

The Declaration Of London.

[To THE EDITOE OP TSB "SPECTATOR.") Snie,—May I make a point in reference to the Declaration of London which does not appear as yet to have met with the attention which its......