18 FEBRUARY 1949, page 2

Remember Japan

There is something profoundly disturbing in the fact that a single disputed " off the record" statement by a single American official should have posed overnight all the most......

Jerusalem Or Zion?

History is likely to prove a millstone round the necks of the Zionists. In their determination to keep faith with Solomon and the Maccabees they are compelled to break faith......

The Instructive Case Of Austria

For those who had forgotten how Russians behave at the inter- national conferences for which they so insistently ask, the Lancaster House meetings of the Foreign Ministers'......

The Two Rhodesias

The suggestion that Southern and Northern Rhodesia should unite to form one unit, whether its form is that of a Dominion or not, is more than thirty years old and has been the......

The Nile Waters

The entire life of two countries—Egypt and the Sudan—depends on the waters of the river Nile. Three dams, one on the White Nile and one on the Blue Nile above Khartum, and the......