18 JULY 1835, page 10


SATURDAY. The Morning Chronicle asserts, that the Duke of CUMBERLAND is the person of the " highest rank," alluded to by Mr. HUME in the House of Commons last night, as being,......

The Emperor Of Austria Has Refused To Send His Quota

of troops to the camp or review at Kalisch ; and be has moreover declined to meet the Emperor NICHOLAS and the King of Prussia at Toeplitz or else- where. The Morning Chronicle......

Hull Election Petition.

OUR readers are aware that a petition has been presented against the return of Colonel THOMPSON for Hull. There is not tine slightest doubt, if the scrutiny which it is said......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Money Market has been steady since our last report. The settlement of the July Consol Account, which occurred yesterday, was remarkable for......

Births, 'marria(es, And 1)eatiis.

On the Sill inst., the ti-if.' of J. A. EOEBrca, Esq., M. P., cf a son, st On the loth inst., at Chelmsford Rectory. the Hon. Mrs. CAREW um.tv. of a daughter. On the 1111,......

"projected Spoliation In Scotland—aberdeen University Bill."

AN article bearing this title appeared in the Standard of Thursday, from one of our contemporary's correspondents. We need not trouble our readers with more than the first......

The Arronick Reminds Us, That Although Lord Canterbury Is No

longer Speaker, he continues to inhabit the Speaker's house ; thereby putting the country to the expense of providing another for Mr. .ABF.RCROMBY, or at least of hiring......

East India Shipping.

The Eliza. Follins, from Canton to London, was totally lost at the Paracelles on the 24th January, crew saved. Arrived—At Gravesend. July 15th, Maleeln, Estes, and Childe......