18 JULY 1885, page 1

On Thursday Evening Mr. Balfour Moved The Second Reading Of

the Medical Relief Bill, and received, very uncomfort- ably, the effusive thanks of Mr. Jesse Collings for his goodness in going far beyond what he himself had ventured to......

News Of The Week.

T HE news from St. Petersburg and Afghanistan is far from reassuring. It is admitted that there is another hitch in the negotiations. The Russians wish so to define the Zulfikar......

The Tory Reply Was Totally Ineffective, And Hardly Even Pre-

tended to be otherwise. Sir Michael contended that in times of so much depression, it was not wise to insist on principles, and chose to assert that even Mr. Childers ' s......

Mr. Leveson Gower Has Been Directed By Mr. Gladstone To

explain that his letter to the Midlothian Liberal Association did not contain any promise to stand again, though it held out some prospect that Mr. Gladstone might, under......

The Second Reading Of The Budget Bill Came Off On

Thurs- day, Mr. Childers criticising the proposals of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach in a very vigorous and temperate speech, in which he showed conclusively that the Conservative......

*.* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Mr. A. Balfour, The Head Of The Local Government Board,

introduced on Tuesday the Medical Relief Bill of the Govern- ment, which goes a good deal farther than Mr. Jesse Collings ' s Bill. The latter only suspended disfranchisement......