18 JULY 1931, page 18

Will You Allow Me To Tender My Sincere Apologies To

Mi. E. R. McGregor for having unwittingly offended him ? I admit freely that I have never heard Americans using the words of which he complains. But I think he might have given......

Substitutes For Hunting [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sm,—May I suggest a means of lifting the ban on the rifle deviated in Major Darling's letter of May 16th, 1931, to facilitate the thinning of the herd, which is indispensable?......

Hertfordshire Agricultural Show.

In your issue of July 4th, Sir William Beach Thomas speaks of our " unique disregard " of the Hertfordshire Agricultural Show in arranging a special visitation on the same day.......

In Defence Of The Statistician [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.' SIR,—Your contributor has been unfortunate in his experience of statisticians. I share his contempt for the statistician who can say " exactly 1,335,617,903 lbs. of......

Jean And Edouard De Reszke.

I am collecting material for a biography of Jean and Edouard de Reszke and should appreciate any information which your readers who knew them could give me. I am particularly......

British Commonwealth Education Conference.

It is significant that there are four Empire Conferences concerned with education being held in Lotidon this summer —the Universities Empire Conference which was held at the......

A History Of The Royal Dragoons.

A new history of The Royal Dragoons is being written by Mr. C. T. Atkinson, and I would crave the medium of the Spectator to ask those who may have diaries, documents; family......

Sir W. Hart Dyke.


Points From Letters Sunday Performances.

Mr. Rhys Davies, in the Committee which is considering the Sunday Performances (Regulation) Bill, suggested that under its provisions workers would lose their six-day week, and......