18 JUNE 1881, page 11

The Ca.rlyle Memorial.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTATOR.1 Sta,—It appears to me that "A. W." might ask himself 'whether, when a great writer has himself published some thirty-five most excellent......

Letters To The Editor.

LORD SALISBURY. CT° THE EDITOR OF THE " EPEOTATOR1 SI11,—Disliking as I do a good deal of Lord Salisbury's later opinions on foreign policy, I am, nevertheless, one of those who......

Special Training For Teachers.

(TO THE EDITOR ON THE SPECTATOR.") is probable that there are a good many English people -who still hold that there is no such thing as a theory of educa- tion, and that it is......

"charity," Or "love P"

rre THE EDITOR OF THE " EPEOTATOR.1 Silt,—Mr. G. D. Snow thinks it an " unpardonable " offence in the Revisers of the New Testament to have used " love " for "charity," in I.......