18 MARCH 1938, page 19

Flogging As A Punishment

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, —Only the future can show whether the recent Mayfair floggings can produce upon their victims results beneficial or otherwise, but beyond......

The Kra Isthmus

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATORT SIR,—Exactly three years ago a reference was made in these columns to the likelihood of Japan negotiating for a cut through the Km Isthmus of......

Britain's Intentions

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sta,—As one who missed active service in the last War, but remembers quite enough of its incidental horrors, its dis- comforts and above all......

The £1,500,000,000 Policy [to The Editor Of The...

the course of your article under this heading you refer to the Prime Minister's " realism " in connexion with the huge expenditure on armaments. May I suggest that " realism "......


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—W. M. Lodge writes " One thing emerges very clearly from Mr. Bartlett's letter : he knows nothing whatever about foxes." What grounds your......