18 MARCH 1978, page 17

No 'north'

Sir: The 'Campaign for the North' has 8 distinctly chocolate flavour. It owes the hospitality of Birchcliffe Centre, Hebden Bridge, to the trustees of the Rowntree Trust, of......

A Noble Cause

Sir: This month marks the centenary of the liberation of the Bulgarian people' from 500 Years of Ottoman oppression. It would be a Pity for this event to go unnoticed in your......

Physics Today

Sir: It was with some forebodings that I began to read Christopher Booker's review of Arthur Koestler's Janus (4 March), but even so I was surprised at what I found. For some......

Life In Poland

Sir: The inability to distinguish between the teachings of Christ which preach brotherly love, and certain left-wing orientated political philosophies which thrive on class envy......

Ethics Of Psychiatry

Sir: Thomas Szasz (4 March) tirelessly reiterates his interesting cri de coeur but he always overplays his hand. He is dogmatic about the nature of madness (no such thing......

Missing Letter

Sir: Perhaps I may be permitted to preempt protest from any French person as surprised as I was by a quite false impression, created by the mysterious disappearance of a letter......