18 NOVEMBER 1995, page 34

Sir: Nigel Spivey In His Review Of Christo- Pher Hitchens'

attack on Mother Teresa makes an important point (like Hitchens) about the misleading propaganda of the Missionaries of Charity. But he ruins his case by apparently believing......


Sir: The publication of the letters in The Spectator (11 November) rejoicing in the return of Alan Clark as Spectator diarist the previous week imply approval of Mr Clark's......

Letters Londoner, Go Home

Sir: The Spectator seems a strange setting for the superficial article written by David Ren- nie (`The Tory lurch to the centre', 11 November) — perhaps it was intended for the......

Hitchens' Problem

Sir: Nigel Spivey wrote a searching review on Christopher Hitchens' book on Mother Teresa (Books, 11 November). Mother Teresa might be quite wrong on some issues, such as the......

Sir: I Am A Self-confessed Barrister, A Self- Confessed...

but not a self-confessed terrorist. John Lloyd Self-confessed Labour candidate, 3 Queen's Terrace, Exeter......