18 OCTOBER 1930, page 29

The Rural..rides Cobbett's Rural Rides. _ Three Volumes....

G. D.11., and EL Cole. (Peter Davies, £5 5 6) TuE author of the Rural Rides—the book by which his name will live, though he himself would not have believed it —was rooted in......

Singers Of Experience

The Armed Muse. By Herbert E. Palmer. (Hogarth Press. 3s. 6d.) Heaven. By Frank Townsend. (Knopf. 6s.) Palimpsest. By Horace Shipp. (Sampson Low. Is.) A Hundred Lyrics. By Eden......

A Study Of Facts

A GENERATION ago, as a preliminary to a little book on Shake- speare, Sir Edmund . Chambers wrote The _Medieval Stage ; twenty years later followed The Elizabethan Stage. Now......