18 SEPTEMBER 1897, page 15

For Better And For Worse. [to Tar Editoz Of Thz

" BrZCTATOR.”] Sin,—Your story of the child who wanted God to love -even when he was naughty reminds me that (calidi juventd) —more than thirty years ago—I asked my uncle, the......


TO A SISTER. SISTER, so like to her I dare not name For tears; so like, and liker every day ; The same sad eyes, the same glad heart, the same Wise lips that mean so much they......


THE SUPERIORITY OF THE .A.NGLO-SAXON.* Is it national modesty or national indifference to foreign opinion which has led us to take so little notice of the extraordinary......

Curates And Pensions.

[TO THY EDITOR OF THZ "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—Your editorial note at the foot of Mr. Robinson's letter in the Spectator of September 11th is very much to the point. The scheme of the......

Letters To The Editor.

THE THESSILIAN REFUGEES. (To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIE,—The question of the indemnity to be paid by Greece to Turkey seems, after a delay considerably longer than the......