19 APRIL 1845, page 19

Mu Sic.

SECOND PIIIIMAREONIC CONCERT--MONDAYf APRIL 14. PART I. overture, BurVanth• C. 3L Von Weber. Aria, " 0 ! wie will ich triumphiren," Herr Staudigl, (Die Entrahrung ass item &rain......

Publications Received.

From April 11th to April 17th. BOOKS. Adventure in New Zealand, from 1839 to 1844; with some Account of the Beginning of the British Colonization of the Islands. By Edward......


On the 15th February, at Bona Vista,in the Cape Verd Islands, the Ron. Mrs. H. W. Macaulay, of a son. On the 34 April, at Pau, South of France, the Lady of the Hon. B. Cary, of......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, April 15. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Wouldhave andleinden, Leeds., tailors--Matthews and Strickland, Seymour Streffe.! Portman Square, surgeons-.Stevens and Co.......