19 APRIL 1957, page 15

Sir,—one Hopes There Are As Many Ardent Defenders Of Mr.

Amis as there are of Strix, but just to make sure. It is time an attack was made on the classics of Eng. Lit. if only for the sake of provoking reasoned defence by their......

Sir,—lord, But How Solemn These Anti-amis People Are!...

contentions seem to be (1) that there is some absolute obligation upon Mr. Amis to bow down before the established classics; (2) that if honesty compels him to resist this......

Letters To The Editor

T. Yeadon Kingsley Ands, W. F. Mandle, Edmund Crispin, Peter Green Derek Parker Pluenix NeriIle Masterman Carol Whitehead Jennifer Plowman, A. W. Dicker, Paul Ries Collin Helen......

Sta,—to Judge By The .amount Of Agonised .mooing It Has

elicited, Mr. Kingsley Amis's bull-like charge into the Sacred Cow Enclosure of Eng. Lit. has had precisely the effect he intended. 'If Pindar bores us, we admit it,' Mr. Elia......

Anglo-saxon Platitudes Sir,—i Wish Mr. Burns Singer Had...

thoroughly into the reasons why I can't write poetry. Still, if he really thinks a hair-shirt will put things right, perhaps he will send me the name and address of his......

Sir.—i Was Grateful To Mr. Betjeman For His Note (`city

and Suburban' this week) about the proposed demolition of houses on The Barbican in Plymouth. The arguments used by the Council in favour of the demolition of these houses are......

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