19 DECEMBER 1840, page 17

Cattermole's Historical Annual.

THE design of this work, and the subject chosen—time Civil Wars of CHARLES the First—are better than the execution. The plan of selecting the most striking events in English......

Fine Arts.

INTERIOR DECORATIONS Ok"1 . 11E NEW 11.01:SES OF PARLIAMENT. '.FIts: rumour to which we adverted a few weeks ago, that CORNELIUS was engaged to decorate the new lionises of......

Criminal .11"111spi:cdence In Relation To Mintal An I)...

:Pa Y FM!iiuujlr. m ms si ro• . ;, ■;•1, II i.r. I.Etrritu V. 'to Ton rswroa or THE sern"ratrom in ray last letter I stated, that how...vent unsuitable the punishment of death......