19 DECEMBER 1914, page 13

The Arming Of The Home Guards.

[TO THE EDITOR OF TR. "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—The reprint in your last number (p. 834) of part of your article of September 12th is s. happy coincidence. May I extract the......

Home Guards.

[To TER EDITOR 07 MIR 4.srEcrwrorel Sra,—I heartily support your public-spirited appeal for the Volunteer Corps for men beyond the recruiting age, and I am glad that it was in......

[to Thr Editor Or Tko " Elplictator."] Sin,—the Action Of

the War Office in trying to prevent all of military age joining these corps is most unfortunate. In the event of invasion business and other considerations would be......

Voluntary Recruiting. [to Tes Editor Ct Ths "spectator. " ]

SIR,—Our system of voluntary recruiting has its merits and defects. One of the defects is that it is perhaps difficult for our allies to understand how admirable an effort has......

[to Ter Editor Or Tes "spectator."] Sir,—your Article In The

last issue, " Home Guards," has made my blood course more freely. I refer especially to the sentence : "The veterans meanwhile intend to give him [the eligible man who does not......