19 FEBRUARY 1870, page 15

The Cabinet Crisis In Vienna.

[TO TIIE EDITOR Or THE SPECTAT011.1 Sin,—If Mr. Noel will consult McCulloch's edition of 1866, page 288, Vol. I., he will find the following statistics :— Germans 8,200,000......

The Wailing For Hector.

(Iliad xxiv., 723-775.) FIRST, the white-armed Andromache the women's wailing led, 1 And in her hands she held the while her manslayer Hector's head : " Ah ! young," she said,......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

Sin,—You were kind enough some six months ago to print an attempt of mine at translation from Homer. "The Death of Lycaon" (Spectator, July 31, 1869,) was rendered, as you may......