19 FEBRUARY 1887, page 23

Current Literature.

Messrs. Chatto and Winclus have now drawn a very clear line of demarcation between their two well conducted magazines, theG entle- man's and Belgravia. The one is given up......

Manual Training. By Charles W. Horn. (blackie And Son.)— "

Mr. Smiles," says Mr. Horn in his preface, "has traced the springs of the greatness of England to their true Bourne, the workshop." This is the text of his whole discourse. "The......

An American Girton.*

Tama is really something novel about this book to an English reader. It is an extremely interesting and lively sketch of college life as lived by girls in America. But it is......

Indies Of Thought For Spare Moments. By "g. S." (nisbet

and Co.)—These little essays, always brief, always to the point, always put in plain, forcible language, are worthy of a hearty commendation. It would not be easy to find......

Ilietory Of Oujareit. By The Late Sir Edward Olive Bayley.

(W. H. Allen and Co.)—This volume is a sequel to Sir H. Elliot's "History of the Mohammedan Empirein India," and a oarrying-out of the plan of giving to the English public the......