19 JULY 1879, page 1

On Tuesday, The Debate On Flogging Entered On A New

phase. Lord Hartingtou, who, even while rebuking Mr. Chamberlain on the previous Monday, had intimated that he supported flog- ging only because the Government deemed it......

Should Cetewayo Still Hold Out, Ulundi Would Be Stormed In

a few days, General Newdigate's column and Sir Evelyn Wood's being actually in sight of the kraal, though large bodies of Zulus lie between them and Ulundi, and intend, it is......

News Of The Week.

T HE latest intelligence from Zululand comes down to July 1st, and points distinctly towards peace. The great kraals near Ulundi having been burnt by the advancing columns,......

On Thursday, Therefore, Lord Hartington Moved That No...

"provides for the permanent retention of cor- poral punishment for military offences would be satisfactory to the House." He affirmed most positively that he and his friends had......

Lord Cranbrook Made A Great Party Speech At The Crystal

Palace on Wednesday, to the West Kent Conservative Associa- tion, in which he exulted that, at all events, that division of Kent, —West Kent,—had never been " polluted " by the......

The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuecript In Any,...
