19 MARCH 1910, page 15

The Taxation On A. Wage Of £1 A Week.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] Householder " pays taxation to the amount of £81 on an income of 21,425,—i.e., a little over 5i per cent. (see Spectator, March 5th). His......

Sir George White, The Congo, And The Navy. [to The

EDITOR or THE 8rscrsros."1 Stu, — I do not think you are quite fair in last week's Spectator to Sir George White, whose views on the Congo question, as exemplified in last......

The Woman's Charter And Infanticide.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:9 have always abominated the methods and manner of the suffragettes, and have thought the vote unnecessary to women; but the sketch of the......

The " Feudal Screw."

[To THE EDITOR or TER " SPECTATOR:] Sin,—In reference to the correspondence which appeared in your issue of the 5th inst. under the heading of "The Feudal Screw," in which I......

England And Germany.

[To THE EDITOR OP TRY "SPECTATOR.' Sra,—The following extract from a letter received last week may interest your readers, and at the same time help to throw a little more light......