19 MAY 1900, page 15

The Millennium.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, —The Spectator of May 5th contains an article on Tire Millennium," which I have read with deepest interest. There is only one sentence......

(to Tee Editor Of The "spectator.")

Stn,—As a Volunteer of 1859 and one of those who in the "sixties" attempted something towards making target practice (especially in military formation) popular, I ask to be......

The Royal Academy.

[To THE EDITOR OF TIIE "SPECTATOR.") Sin, — May I call attention once more to the absurd conserva- tism of the Academy in permitting all artists to send in eight works? We are......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

SM-1.11 your interesting article, "Lord Salisbury and Rifle Clubs," in the Spectator of May 12th, you underestimate the difficulty of obtaining rifle ranges in country......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator.")

Sin, — A propos of the encouragement of rifle shooting, might not a large part of our population be provided at very small cost with long and short distance ranges, by having......