19 NOVEMBER 1948, page 17

The Miracle Of Mr. Truman

SIR, —Let us be careful about the American election. Some of the inferences drawn are rather wild. Our Conservatives and Labour people alike, ignoring the figures, are finding......

What Is Dutch Like ?

SIR, —In a Dutch performance of Hamlet "I am thy father's ghost " is reputed to sound—" Ich bin dein Papa's Spook." In such circum- stances respect for the language inevitably......

Wilfrid Meynell

Sta,—I was late in seeing The Spectator of October 29th, with its informed and kind reference to my father, the late Wilfrid Meynell, and its not quite accurate, and so......

Gloom About Books

SIR, —There may be some reason for despondency over the sale of fiction, children's books and poetry, though even that is apt to be exaggerated. But the demand for books of many......

The Art Of Rex Whistler

SIR,—In his kindly review of my book, Rex Whistler : His Life and His Drawings, Mr. Derek Hill regrets that my brother's mural paintings were not represented. I must explain......

Journalists' Organs

SIR,—Mr. Reginald A. Smith's criticisms of the Institute of Journalists cannot be allowed to pass unchallenged. I should be sorry to aggravate in any way the Institute versus......

How Now, Mr. Gorer ?

Sta,—Possibly it was desirable to devote two columns of The Spectator to celebrating the downfall of the public opinion poll-takers, Gallup and Roper. But is Mr. Gorer the right......