19 SEPTEMBER 1931, page 1

News Of The Week

Parliament O N Thursday, September 10th, the House of Commons received the official statement of the Treasury on the successful arrangement for British credits in the United......

By Ceasing To Borrow For Those Funds A Deficit Arises

on them of £34,000,000. By losses of revenue from taxes £29,000,000 disappear. The net result of the operation of President Hoover's plan is a loss to us of about £11,000,000.......

The New Finance Resolntions How Stern Is The Purpose Of

the Government is better realized now that we know the details of the new emer- gency Budget. The. Chancellor of the Exchequer, sup- ported largely by the representatives of......

Editorial Akd Publishing Offices : 99 Gower Street,...

1.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costa Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......

Mr. Snowden Then Spoke Of His Plans For Converting The

5 per cent. War Loan on which comment is made in our finance columns. Mr. Graham opened the criticism but it was party criticism rather than financial. Mr. Snowden had made the......

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