1 DECEMBER 1973, page 5


Sir: Those who took part in the mass lobby of Parliament organised by the SPUC had the opportunity of seeing, if not meeting, some of the opposition. One such young lady marched......

From Dr C. B. Goodhart

Sir: Mr Philip Kestelman (November 24) asks for an explanation from ” anti-abortionists" of 'what they mean by a person." That is easy, for defines a " person " in law as " A......

Sir: Mr W. K. Ritter's Letter (november 24) Depends...

on two errors in logic: "one reason for opposing abortion is bad, therefore all reasons for opposing abortion are bad" and "one society that prohibited abortion was Nazi,......

Dame Ethel And Others

Sir: I am delighted to be reproved for my ignorance of music by Mr Bayliss, who apparently believes it proper to describe Dame Ethel Smyth (1 trust some helpful printer does not......

U And Non-u

Sir: Now that Nancy Mitford's U nonsense seems to be getting a second wind, it was reassuring to find Beverley Nichols (Notebook, November 24) disposing, with ducal authority,......

Information Please

Sir: I am writing the official biography of Raymond Chandler and would like to get on touch with people who knew him and to see letters written by him. I would be grateful if......