1 JANUARY 2000, page 23

Dodgy Bodycounts

From Melanie McDonagh Sir: Is it on the basis of their visit to Bel- grade during the Nato campaign that John Laughland and Mark Almond claim such remarkable knowledge of the......

From Dr John Laughland Sir: Noel Malcolm Misleads Your...

yet again when he claims that he encouraged Nato to arm the KLA for reasons of military logic alone (Letters, 18/25 December). In fact, he wrote that Nato should have no qualms......

Faecal Facts

From Mr Sam Whitbread Sir: Bat droppings are easily distinguished from those of mice (Country life, 4 Decem- ber) by rubbing them between finger and thumb. Mouse droppings are......

Sceptical And Confident

From Mr Conrad Black Sir: Stephen Glover's article (Media studies, 11 December) contained several inaccura- cies in reference to the Daily Telegraph. That newspaper has not......

Letters Blinkered Zealotry

From Mr David Radlett Sir: 'Blair bottles out' (11 December)? That statement surely fits more appropriately Mark Littlewood. He grizzles about the reali- ty of power politics,......