1 JUNE 1844, page 11

For Some Time Past A Series Of Reports Have Been

circulated respecting certain changes that have recently taken place in the Royal Household, and further alterations which it is alleged are about to take place. It has been......

The Amount Of "salt " Collected At Eton Montem Was

1,3381.; the largest amount ever collected, except the salt of 1814, when the Allied Sovereigns were here, which exceeded 1,5001.......

A Letter From Frankfort States That A Commercial Treaty Has

been concluded between the Hanse Towns and Texas. It has been sent to Houston to be ratified by the Texan Government.......

A Court Of Directors Was Held At The East India

House yesterday ; when Lieutenant-General the Right Honourable Sir Henry Hardinge, K.C.B., Governor-General of India, was unanimously appointed to succeed to the office of......

. The Emperor Of Russia Will Probably Have Set Foot

on the soil of England almost as soon as these lines meet the eyes of the public. His Majesty's journey from St. Petersburg has been arranged with the utmost-secrecy and......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The House of Commons was engaged in Committee on the Ecclesias- tical Courts Bill ; and the usually irregular discussion ofa committee was turned into perfect......

Yesterday The Lord Chancellor, After A Rather Prolonged...

Sir James Graham, communicated to the Judges, who had assem- bled, we believe, to arrange the Circuits, that it would be necessary to postpone them ; as their Lordships'......

The Creation Was Performed By The Sacred Harmon'c Society At

Exeter Hall last night ; the vocal parts being sustained by Caradori, Braham, and Staudigl. The performance is to be repeated on Friday next.......

The Following Notice Has Been Issued, By Order Of The

Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes, to the different Assessors appointed under the new Income-tax Act of 5th and 6th Victoria, both in the City of London and the parishes within......

Money Market.

STOOK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Money Market has been without any material change, and the prices of the Government Funds have remained nearly stationary. Money is......