1 JUNE 1929, page 28

Fiction An International Crowd

The Embezzlers. By Valentine Kataev. Translated by L. Zarinco (Knopf. 7s. 6d.) The Einbezzkrs is the Book Society's choice for the month ; and Mr. Stephen Graham, in a brief......

Clash. By Ellen Wilkinson, M.p. (harrap. 75. 6d.) —there Are

two distinct conflicts in this very clever and successful first novel. There is, to begin with, political warfare. Joan Craig, the attractive daughter of a Northern factory......

Answers To General Knowledge Questions

1. Dog that pursues foxes, badgers, &c., run to earth (fr. French terre).-2. Originally, American bird. First sold by so-called " Turkey " merchants.---3. Corruption of French :......