1 MARCH 1856, page 10

The Peace Conference At Paris Has Sat Only Once Since

Monday—on Thursday. The Plenipotentiaries are to meet a third time today. No intimation of the aspect of the proceedings thus far has leaked out. The telegraph states that......

Proposed Russo-tunxisn Frontier. — Mr. Wyld Has Just...

useful war map. Its main purpose is to show the new boundary line between Russia and Turkey which it is proposed to establish by the treaty of Paris. The line is clearly......


SATURDAY. The House of Commons, last night, was mainly occupied with the dis- cussion on Mr. Roebuck's motion. Soon after the House met, in reply The House of Commons, last......

The Half-yearly Meeting Of The Eastern Counties Railway...

was very fully attended, and was very stormy. The most im- portant result was, that three new Directors proposed by the Opposition— Ur. Helps, Mr. Orr, and Mr. Walters—to the......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAT AFTERNOON. The subscriptions sent to Messrs. Rothschild for the new Loan were ex- tremely large, amounting, it is believed, to 30,000,0001.; and since the......