1 MARCH 1884, page 21

Current Literature.

The Oxford Magazine, for February 27th. (Published for the Pro- prietors by E. Pickard Hall, M.A., and Horace Hart, Printers to the University.)—This is a very interesting......

Queer People. From The Swedish Of " Leah." By Albert

Alberg. 2 vols. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—"Leah" is a writer who, though . popular in Sweden, where she fills a place second only to that of Frederika Bremer, is unknown in England.......

The Building Of St. Barnabas. 2 Vols. (chapman And Hall.)—

Michael Warner, who has done very little in the way of good works during his lifetime, bequeaths £5,000 for the building of a new church, and £7,000 for its endowment, if the......

A Voyage Round Great Britain. By Captain Thomas...

Low and Co.)—It is probable that not many people, not being obliged to do so, have ever started in a sailing-vessel from Liverpool, and sailed round Great Britain till they came......

" Sweet Mace."*

MR. MANVILLE FENN increases steadily in power. No one with any discrimination would expect to find in a " Legend of the Iron Times " a novel of the favourite modern type,—that......